zaterdag 19 maart 2022

My life as an amateur. Part 33.

 While running with the dog this morning I had the greatest thoughts. I wished I could have recorded them. The big show of my very own, or, in order to make a lot of things said irrelevant.

So I told this lady we can definitely learn from the dogs, saying hello and goodbye to each other all the time. A very long time ago I made an imaginative work called ‘hithehisayer’ or ‘gedagzegger’ in Dutch. The work consisted of me walking around in my or any other neighborhood, saying hi to every passerby. You can call it an ordinary performance. The reactions were great. I did not record it so there is no proof. That is one of the nice aspects of this work. No need to justify. Stop. I can hear the train to duivendrecht and the blackbird singing.

I never read back what I have been writing, it is a shifting in time constantly from one person to another to another to another.

I think I will wait to be famous until I turn sixty.

zaterdag 5 maart 2022

My life as an amateur. Part 32.

 I used to be grumpy when my favorite soccer club would lose a match. Not today. I am happy about that. I like it when things do not have an effect on me. After I graduated from University I applied for a volunteer job. I was rejected immediately because I was found too vague. Quite a compliment, as if I was a nouvelle movie.

One month ago, I bought this very hot down jacket from a famous expensive Italian designers label. I cannot wear it in nature, it is too red. I do not like cold holidays in the snow but if I would I could wear it then, go skiïng off-piste and be easily found. So, I am happy with this jacket.

When you are the kind sort of person you are a pro, when you are not so kind you are an am. Simply said. In times of depression I am soothing myself by saying that the only thing I need to do is breathe and be kind to my beloved and the rest. These are two things. True.

Today I told someone a lie. I am feeling bad about that. I was asked if my work was a voluntary job or a paid one. As if it mattered. Thinking as quickly as possible  about my answer-options, I choose the wrong one. Sorry. Stop. Two weeks ago someone else asked me the same question.