zaterdag 15 februari 2025

My life as an amateur. Part 71.

 I found a history book on sculpture in Europe from the prehistoric ages until the 21th century. I finished it. This morning was waiting for the traffic lights when the colorful fashion designer stopped next to me and said: I am so much enjoying your red socks.

I think the person is more important then it’s art.

I am buying too many clothes and shoes. It’s getting crowded in my not walk in closet. Every item is second hand most of the time there is a stain or a hole somewhere. So I cannot sell them again. Nobody wants to have a stain or a hole. Except me. It’s an addiction really. I do not like to be addicted.

My mental state is getting amateuristic because of this. But it’s not the cause of this severe depression. I would rather not talk about this. Who does. This afternoon I got this thought and vision of an altar in my studio with just a single candlelight, everything else I had thrown out. I don’t like the word candlelight, I throw that one out as well. I like to drive my car for a long time. I like to shower for a long time. I like to run for a long time. I like to walk for a long time. I like to watch art for a long time.

I really want to make white paintings, starting each work by emptying tubes of red, orange, yellow and blue. And the other colors I have in eyesight. After that comes the road towards the white painting. Until now I never totally succeeded. Because I like colors, how they keep themselves up next and through each other. I like lemon yellow. I like the quietness of white, and off-white. 

maandag 10 februari 2025

My life as an amateur. Part 70.

 My favorite writer of children and adult literature is coming! We will meet her at Central Station to discuss the exhibition we want to offer and help make this autumn. Today it’s Thursday and that’s four days from Monday. I need to read her last books. The first book I red for our son was Joke van Leeuwen’s ‘Ik ben ik’. Poetry.

Humans are too big for me.

Last Saturday we brought an old racing bike to my nephew’s work so he could easily transport himself from the treinstation to the giant thrift shop and back. Afterwards we visited  his mother  in my  place of birth, Vlaardingen. It has been twenty years since I was there. It’s now with paid parking, luckily my sister has a visitors card. My niece came by as well, but didn’t greet me. So I greeted her. In order to feel less transparent. Yesterday I got a message from my nephew that the bike broke down but that he had two great trips with it. I promised to get him another one some day.

This morning, at a quarter before eight, The thought and feeling comes into mind that I need my work to be far more dirty and ugly. And not so terribly squared.

When you write something down it is definitely there. Even the things you cannot think of. Unless you delete it. Maybe poetry can save some parts. Write some. Write some thick layers and peel one off. Peel off another one. I just brought him a better bike, it was an hour by car. I think he appreciated the gesture. You never know what someone is really thinking. Thinking takes a lot of time anyway.

maandag 27 januari 2025

My life as an amateur. Part 69.

I red something about a very well known cabaretier meeting a group of autists, or better people with classic autism. The writers in the newspaper, two women with high functioning autism, thought it a missed change that they were represented in this group. A pity that again that the group was stereotypical for something that can never be stereotypical. A pity that tons of people will not be able to recognize their own atypicality. The two women are chronically depressed as well and they make podcasts and write blogs. I can listen and read. Tomorrow I will make an appointment with our family doctor.

This morning I talked with my colleagues. About how I can not permit myself to be scolded by anyone. So when the scolder is in the house I am going home, or any other place where I can be. It was good to notice that the newest colleague stood totally behind me. That made me feel like a normal person. 

I am reading ‘The white book’ written by Han Kang. She is the winner of the Nobel Prize in literature 2024. The competition part is not important, the fact that her art is noticed and spread around the world is. The following sentences were a consolidation for me:

And so, there are a few things left to her:

To stop lying.

To (open her eyes and) remove the veil.To light a candle for all the deaths and spirits she can remember-including her own. 

maandag 20 januari 2025

My life as an amateur. Part 68.

 There will be a gathering of fellow artists today. Sunday the 19th of January that is. We are supposed to make works from rest materials. I am feeling anxious, these are professional artists who know how to focus on exactly what they need and want. I don’t think I will be able to concentrate with all those people around me. I will listen and write the words found down. After eating the rolls and the pies most of them went to assemblage like crazy in the not so big studio. It was difficult to stay in the race with the words said, but in the end I think it was a marvelous result. The central heating was blowing it’s warm air under the pieces of paper. One artist commented on the other artists work: I love you and your simplicity. In Dutch it sounded better. Today I kept on running and after that I didn’t kept pace with time. A long time ago I invented a solution for this: following my own time. Me and the dog walked a lot. I bought twentysix used tubes of oil paint 200 ml for thirty five euros. So that’s great. I tried not to think about Trump. Tonight my dearest friend red that the man is going to skip all the possible genders except man and woman. I am slightly worried about that, for me, I just look like nothing, so he will probably oversee me.

My life as an amateur. Part 67.

 I think it’s a good idea to go on with the ‘My life as an amateur’ series. It fits my life better. This morning I was running in this very rural area between Winterswijk and the border of Germany. The weather was misty and cold, I went as slow as possible, jogging these rare sandy roads. I thought to go on forever. Like to keep on writing, even as there is seemingly nothing to write about. I am considering a writing course. Or boxing lessons. And eat less cheese. And spend more time painting. There is this volunteer working at the exhibition space where I work as well. She likes to tend the bar during opening nights. She wants to do it her way. All the way. Today she was late and there were some visitors dropping in. I poured white wine in some glasses and emptied a bag of nuts into bowls. She came at last and said that we had already started and that was not how it should be and that I could do the opening. Etcetera etcetera. I received some unpleasant vibes from this lady, like I got them several times before. I took my jacket and went, listening to Michael Gordon. I was home early which was the nice part. We have a new table lamp, the ‘donut’ produced by IKEA. A. installed it on our table made from tropical timber. Sorry for that, but I like to write about it. The lamp and the table. I hope the opening was alright for the artist. He is a nice man. He paid 250 euros for the bar service.

vrijdag 10 januari 2025

Parmi la foule. Episode 24.

 I want to stumble. On this day. I would like to talk about my nephew. He is a hero and a survivor. My sister invited herself for Christmasday and took the half of her twins. Because he thought it was time to see each other again. So he sat down and during the meal he poured his heart out. About his fear for his father, not feeling seen. About the right winged political choice of his mother, trying to convince her to think about his future. About he never have felt butterflies, for someone. About his not diagnosed autism. About not feeling comfortable at parties. About not drinking and smoking. About feeling more at ease with plants and flowers. About wanting to go to thrift stores together. To do more things together. To visit us more. About ‘a I want to come over to let you check my papers’. At the end of their visit he gave me a written card, about how glad he is that we started to send each other photos of plants and fungi..plants and fungi..plants and fungi

Parmi la foule. Episode 23.

Your art is mine, or your artwork is mine. What is it what you call art. Is it art when a lot of people call it that, and they push each other up. Until they reach unreality. How can images be competitive 

Why does one need to be the best. That’s the thing I, do not like competition. Because I loose myself. I fancy a ballet lesson with the British choreographer Anthony Tudor. I would like to write a journal of solitude ( in the evening I always seem to have forgotten how troubled the daytime was). May Sarton writes about writing and solitude. My mother used to brush her teeth with bleach. I have never liked very white teeth. Perfection bores me. I need to talk to someone, someone who knows about things, about things about how one can be.

So yesterday I went, I wanted to turn around every few meters. In the giant hall of the hospital the internet failed, it took me some time to find the right spot. There are so many receptions that it isn’t client friendly anymore. I got some great advice for searching advice. And help.

This morning I ran with the dog during the moment that parents are bringing their children to school. A mother said to her little ones: luckily we're allowed to start everyday anew.

I am just visiting. I want to stumble.

dinsdag 5 november 2024

Parmi la foule. Augustiana.


(day 1) 

I was seven minutes late for picking up M. with her multiple shopping bags with art supplies like used paint rollers, ancient electric cables and claw hammers. Together with my golden bag and golden floor isolation we drove off to a place near Bremen in Germany to spend the night. But first I needed to buy something at the supermarket at the Overtoom with my bankpass to have evidence that I started the trip from my place of living, on this particular day. I bought apples and tangerines. I think that the parents of the lady lived in the apartment, before they passed away. There is a door between the two houses and everything ist super sauber. The lock on the toilet door is located inside the doorknob, very ingenious and almost invisible at first. So we yelled at each other when sitting on the toilet. M. bought a pre-cooked potato for dinner with a huge bag with sauce. I bought a salad at a reduced price because of the expired date. We had a great meal together.

(day 2)

In our dead-end street Sunday morning is for driving your Mercedes-Benz to the nearby bakery around the corner and driving back like crazy with a single paper bag full of kaiserbrötchen. A grouse is displaying itself at the edge of a potato field. The landlady was very happy with our compliments. In the file a van on our left side drove with the door open and a man with a beer can screamed hello to us, or something like that, we couldn’t hear him. We were all very slow. In Denmark the light was light, lighter than in Germany. The red in the traffic signs… the road through Augustenborg leads to Augustiana, a palace used as a museum surrounded by cobblestones and artworks. And the other artists.The volunteer didn’t know we were coming. For two weeks. With rest materials. We needed to go  within five minutes because she wanted to close the place. I have a room in the attic. I dreamt about an artist who came to talk with me about her career. She was invited for an Artist-in-Residency, a well-known one. When I told her I didn’t know the place she told me I was stupid. I told her to go and never come back. I slept well.

(day 3)

Yesterday I met five other artists that will participate in the Poubelle project. Mirjam, Lisbeth, Yvette, Philip-Donald and Iris. I got up this morning and ran for 45 minutes to the fjord and back, thinking about art and myself and all the clothes I need. And that art is not something without me. I found two bags of clothes in the barn and I am planning to make a registration of myself while changing clothes all the time. The white clothes I want to sew together for the very small and intelligent Princess Louise Christine Caroline. Besides that I am planning to make two ‘philosophical’ columns of darker clothes. Ronald de Ceuster came this afternoon, and Jens Chr Jensen as well. When the risotto was ready Faller und Budasz and their children arrived.

I checked out the thrift shops in this village Augustenborg but I probably was a very strange duck because the lady of the shop came to hang things straight, things very close to me several times. I like to be a strange duck. They had one pair of trousers I might buy next week when I probably ran out of trousers.

Mirjam is hunting mosquitoes with a cloth to dry the dishes. Ronald showed me a picture of a work of art he made in a split second in the attic of the White Palace. A transparent box with a crushed piece of golden folie. I liked it.

(day 4)

Maybe. Maybe it’s. Maybe it’s not a word. Maybe it’s not a word, a word really. Maybe it’s not really a word that I found.

These words came to mind while running this morning. The first draft ended with: I give it back. But I removed it, too much drama. I tried to get to work before everyone else but I didn’t succeed. Ronald knocked on my door in search of the keys from the ‘working palace’.

To find something. To find something out, a word or a moment of revelation.

I have been changing clothes in front of the camera almost the whole day. The computer has difficulties with downloading, so tomorrow I will only add a few sessions. I am not patient enough. And I am easily bored. I got fantastically bored with all the H&M clothes. I will bring them to the Red Cross second hand store in Sønderborg. A good excuus.Matthieu and Ariane are installing a creature with blue tentacles going everywhere on the first floor in the White Palace.I am just going to use the white, crème, soft grey and pink, and lily clothes in a wall in front of overpaintings in white. Mirjam is giving some woods back to the giant oak tree, some are balancing just right enough. A very kind man from the village drove almost over her kinetic work with his trailer full of rusty fences. When he wanted to open the door of his car he nevertheless put his very big hands on the installation to put it aside.

(day 5)

There are two transport bikes, one very old ‘oma’ bike and a sportbike in the barn. We are allowed to use three of them, they all have flat tyres except the sporty one. But that one is locked. I suggested using an angle grinder. Mirjam thought that it might be someone's bike and therefore locked. Yes. Yesterday evening we talked a little bit about politics. Ronald mentioned a column in a daily Dutch newspaper that compared Caroline van der Plas with Alice in Wonderland falling into a rabbit hole. I ran to Costa Del Seflev, a beautiful ‘strand’ with a demolished ironmade jetty. I thought about Alice and the game that is played by the queen, getting a ball or something through racks or small fences. So I need an angle grinder to grind my way to the princes. And then to the queen.

Philip Donald and Yvette, duo Pannas and Tulip have a iron saw to borrow. That’s great. After I finished filming the dressingfilm I saw Jens tearing up the iron racks I wanted to use. I felt like an amateur as I am, but talking helps, he only needed some little pieces. I don’t need to cry or worse. 

During lunch Iris, who is originally from Iceland, spat her heart out by telling us that she had a severe panic attack the day before, her stomach did hurt from it. Therefore it was impossible to take on an extra task like cooking dinner for ten people. I thought it was a brave thing to tell us. Iris makes tiny works between the cobblestones and manhole covers. Later, when she showed me where I could set up my ‘Alice’ installation in the park I confessed to her that I had experienced the same ( if you can ever know), uneasy feeling. I sawed the iron racks in pieces and put them in the grass. And after making two new objects of pieces of clothes and iron elements I thought that I had made enough art for the day and offered to do the shopping ( and went to four thrift shops in Søderborg ) and the cooking. 

(day 6)

What is minimal. When is a word found by you, by someone else. When is something ready. When do you know it’s the end of the rabbit hole and not the beginning. When is it you and not you. When do you know how deep you are allowed to dig. Do you think gold is pretty. Is it allowed to despise a robot lawn mower for mowing over your artwork in progress. 

After running I went swimming in the fjord in my underwear.

Can you help me. To build this wall of us. To think about Alice. To describe the game. Can your art be mine. I found your art, now it’s mine. Now it’s mine too.

I helped Jens with a new artwork, he almost screwed the screw in my finger. Nice man wearing beautiful socks knitted by his sister.

Lisbeth Parisius and Mirjam Berloth started to put the artworks in the White Palace, sculptures by Ronald de Ceuster, Pannas and Tulip, and those they made themselves. It’s ‘real’.

(day 7)

I cannot sleep this night. This installation with clothes in soft colors isn’t filling up something I thought it would. I keep thinking in circles how I can make it work. Maybe cover it with roof tiles, or make it square with glass or perspex on top. A yellow piece of wood attaching to the wall. Sew it all together and hang it in the air. Tape it, make it more abstract, yes and hang it, with the poem written with dust from the attic underneath. The little green sculpture should go, it only worked in the Red Palace. Yes I think I am going to tape it, if it’s allowed to use tape. And add a larger uberpainting with the cut á la Fontana.

Early in the morning a giant plumber came to resolve our toilet problem, after our plead from yesterday. We are amazed how quick this help came. Maybe they have lesser work because their way of constructing is more solid.

I must say, after the two workshops with the children from and around Augustenborg, I will not change the work I thought about Alice, because of the simple and dubious reason that a lot of people reacted very strongly to the installation. In a positive way.

They couldn’t explain but it came to them. I cannot express how happy I am. We heard from the teachers that the children were reacting extraordinary good on the workshops, some pupils were difficult to work with but this ‘action art class’ was really working for them. All the pupils wanted to come back next week.

I made a new work ‘ the princess’s party’, and I started a Gertrud Dentjens and a Fontana work. Art is filling something you didn’t know. Grab it.

After we said goodbye to the couple Faller und Budasz, promising a quick rendezvous, Mirjam and I went for a quicker red cross shop in Guderup. She found fantastic Saucony running shoes. The ladies of the shop were horribly nice, one spoke English very well. I was happy for Mirjam and jealous, size 38,5 is too small for me.

(day 8)

I noticed an Agnes Martin in the lawn of the palace. The last words were how images are gifts. It means a lot but I do not know the words. The curtains are outside the window. Today Simon Gorm Andersen arrived, a very friendly artist from Copenhagen who is generally making sculptures with soft materials, circled with threads and wool. He is here for two days, so he is working like crazy. In the late afternoon he took a dip,in the wTer with Mirjam and me, with one finger high in the sky because it had a nasty cut.

I started early today, Still thinking about the man in the gray suit and fresh blue shirt from the sixties, he was walking his dachshund at seven. I finished an uberpainting and enlarged my new installation, far more abstract then ‘I thought about Alice’.At ten I went for a drive just to be away from the area and have my own thoughts. I ran into a giant messy but organized thriftshop where I found a beautiful Wrangler jeans. I should bring Mirjam there when it’s open again on wednesday, besides another one in another village.

Petra van Aken is a performing artist and she used Lisbeth, Mirjam and me to try out her workshop. I think we did well, and with souplesse, although we were busy with art and the visitors to come in our heads.

It is Saturday and they all came, mostly elderly people. Our kind of art seemed very new to most of them but they apparently enjoyed and got some clue after some explaining. And a good advice: just let it come in. The performance by Petra was spectacular, foremost because of her transformation from a distinguished lady into a madwoman almost naked. Lots of telephones were filming. To show at home.

(day 9)

It was a fabulous sight, deer running to the far end of the sunlit dewy meadow. Obviously they were running because of me. I am sorry for that. Sunday the 22 of September. We will have visitors in the Augustiana White Palace and in our open studio’s in the Red Palace. I feel like making a sound system. It’s nice not to know how yet. 

The work by Simon has been placed in the White Palace, it’s a fabulous amorphous piece of work, leaning against the doorframe talking with the creeping work by Faller und Budasz going everywhere. There were quite a lot of visitors, most of them very shy, by nature I think, but also because of our kind of work. Some asked me in perfect English: what were you thinking while making this work? My answer more or less was: When I start a new work, most of the time in the middle of another work, I am not thinking at all. I gather the materials that fascinate me, picking them with my senses and begin to combine them almost with my eyes closed. What I think what happens is that all the stories I have heard, red, the images I have seen, felt and smelt, come together in  an installation, forming a new atmosphere in which I can be and hopefully shake hands with the audience. In the case of ‘I thought about Alice’ a soft wall of clothes came into being, without the means of a boundary, au contraire, with lots of possibilities. That’s why the paintings are mostly überpainted in white. The white light on Als.

(day 10)

It was totally foggy until eight o’clock. The sun rose with her fellow suns to whiten up the land. To finish what I wrote yesterday, a piece of ( abstract ) work is telling a story not told yet. It’s our story, mine and yours. Yes. And at the same moment I said too much. Forget about the words and let it happen.

We might have a day off, if we can manage not to make any form of art. At 10.30 Mirjam and I went off to the North, Nordborg and Havnbjerg. The latter had a recycle shop annex café for the jeux de boulles club. It smelt like warm food and the ladies were nice and spoke English, all the ladies ( always ladies) of a certain speak very well English. But you could only pay with cash or with a pay system only available for Scandinavian citizens. So we let our nice things in search for a bank. After the cashing we went sightseeing and to the sea. It was brighter than the Mediterranean Sea. In Nordborg the shopping street is with empty shops, except for two thrift shops and a Wok Palace. I bought five packages of chamomile tea at the Netto. At Augustiana we met Jens Chr.Jensen and our new colleague Marie J. Engelsvold.

I threw the sound system out and finished a work on paper: I try I try. I am very happy with it. It is nice to throw things out. I made a wonderful tortilla. If I may say so.

(day 11)

I have a rectification to make. To create an atmosphere where one can be, for an instant most of the time.

Jens was looking at parts of my installation with the schnapps glasses. He needed one a little bit taller than one of his in his own installation. The big exchange will occur today. During the slow run of this morning two works popped up in my mind. I am curious if I am going to get them into being, anxious of boredom.

I went to work with my headphones on, so many people and energy and materials around. After a little start we went with all of us to the ‘genbrug’, a gigantic place where cars are driving on and on and we were allowed to pick whatever we wanted to. I dove into the textile container. Once home I started to sort out seven huge plastic bags on the lookout for white fabrics. I would like to stitch together some white blouses. I haven't found them yet. What I did find were unfinished knitting works, in the white, beige and crème. I laid them out on the ground as a part of my room filling installation. Philip and Yvette made great wall art pieces in the room next to mine

Jens had to leave, such a pity. He placed a beautiful sculpture in the White Palace. 

I cooked pumpkin soup and made a huge salad. Unfortunately Lisbeth was too tired to stay. Marie showed Mirjam and me some nice exhibition places here in Denmark. How can we ever leave? I probably will take the work I made today down, or it will be in a larger group. 

I did a video selfie.

(day 12)

I looked at my fingers during the video selfie ‘brush’ and thought they are actually beautiful. I had my headphones on and listened to the music by Michael Gordon. After one and a half week working with the Poubelle artists at Augustiana I am questioning… I wish to sew pieces of sheets together for the princes to get out, or to get in. I did, and am feeling good about it, especially the yellow areas on pillow covers. Iris came during lunch, we couldn’t do without her view on art in daily life, and what art can bring. Her installation was placed in the White Palace, as well as that of Marjolein Knottenbelt. We helped her a bit, each one of us took a random thing from the potato shed and placed it on the floor. It turned out fabulous. 

I had to bring one of the rented bikes back ( when I put it in the car a reflector went off, luckily nobody saw it ). The bike boy was very friendly. I like that. I always like that very much. I needed some time alone so I drove around a little bit longer, visiting some fantastic Danish thrift shops. In the meantime Lisbeth’s work was situated in the Palace, so now the exhibition is waiting for a work by Marie.

Yesterday evening I finished the video’s ‘ brush ‘ and ‘ tooi ‘. Tonight we are going to eat together at the Holiday house of the family of Lisbeth, and watch ‘tooi’. It’s only two minutes and thirty seconds.

(day 13)

Today is going to be a good day. Running in the rain at seven a.m., I ran into two other elder runners, one with a dog, very slow on the leash, and the other in bright lemon running gear coming over the same slippery path. When I came into the studio Marie was already at work, making wonderful steady and at the same time fragile works. Now and then something hard falls on the floor, she probably needs to start again. I sorted out my last bag of textile from the ‘genbrug plads’ and found a bag with a very rough cloud of cotton and a pair of off-pink pantyhoses. It became a floor installation. The one that I made yesterday I declared unvollendet finished: Z.t. ( through 3). Mirjam was working all day to make a list with the works and the artists text for visitors of the museum. I admire her doing so. I run away shopping in Sonderborg to check out a new supermarket Rema 1000, but I like the Netto better, because of the warmer atmosphere. It still rained and I wanted to see more from Sonderborg. Fortunately the Netto was situated next to a Kirkens Korshaer Genbrug where I could buy this wonderful selfmade eggyellow spencer a little bit too little.

I was just in time to have a tour through the building of our neighbors, a former psychiatric hospital, now used as studio’s. One one-person room for three or two artists. Amazing how small and on top of each other. They have to pay forty euros a month. So that was the good thing. After the tour there offered us giant sandwiches overloaded with different kind of toppings in fascinating combinations. And a Danish snaps on the side. After a sip my legs went rubbery.

(day 14)

Thursday evening we got lectured in the history of performance art by Petra van Aken. Except Mirjam, Lisbeth and Marie, we had an interested person from Søderborg as well. Petra is a very enthusiastic speaker. You can feel that her heart is totally into performance art. I liked the part on the duration - and simple performances best. Petra will conduct a workshop of performance dance today for people from the community. Philip and Yvette came to Augustiana quite early to help sort out all the discarded ‘treasures’, because on Sunday afternoon most of the things have to be transported to the ‘Genburg plads’. In Denmark one is supposed to separate all the garbage very strictly. After lunch with the sandwiches donated by the ‘commune’ and the scrambled eggs made by Mirjam and the stinky cheese I accidentally bought yesterday, we went to install the work of Marie J. Engelsvold in the White Palace. Her hanging objects looked like giant jewelry. Princess Louise would probably be very grateful. Philip did the lamps and Yvette sneaked a work by Lisbeth Parisius into the room. The leaning person high perspex plate against a metal pipe by Mirjam moved to another spot, her work can handle almost anything, as minimal as it is.

(day 15)

First thing, it’s going to be a good day. Second, I think my computer broke down. It doesn’t want to go on the internet, in no way.

Yesterday evening Petra organized a performance/dance workshop in the Red Palace. I participated last week,  Marie and some ladies from Augustenborg were having a wonderful time this session.

I thought that the Genburg plads would be open at 7.00, but it is at 10.00. I have to wait to get rid of ten bags of hard plastic and cardboard. And afterwards I felt to drive along and along and along, seeing some other villages and even a church with two towers.

I came back at twelve o’clock the first visitors arrived, on we went! We started with the assignment from Joanneke, she had asked us to gather white materials and form HELP HELPS on the lawn. Yvette did a good job,and luckily the sun made the words glimmer and shine. Inside the White Palace Mirjam introduced the artist and there works to the visitors and we took turns to tell how more or less the artwork came i to existence. Fluently Petra took over with a minimalistic performance reacting on the artworks. I could tell that the audience was fascinated. One lady of a very old age started to dance with her in the middle of the performance. Beautiful. In front of the potato house Pannas and Tulip explained their workshop. Each person was supposed to add an object to the object of the previous person in order to create a Poubelle artwork together. The last performance of the day started with Philip and me standing very still on the lawn next to HELP HELPS, waiting for the wheelbarrows full of different kind of materials. Marie and Petra began to dress us up with extraordinary ‘ clothing’ like pillows, cardboard boxes, garden hoses etcetera etcetera. At the end we looked like sculptures, we could have stepped out of an Oskar Schlemmer performance, barely able to walk. The director of the Augustiana Kunsthalle told us that it had been a long time since there were so many visitors during an exhibition.

Lisbeth and Mirjam ordered pizza and the salad was on me.

(day 16)

The last full day at Augustiana. The house smells like pizza. Yesterday evening we said goodbye to Petra and Jeroen. Marie needed to go as well. We had such a good time, I am very grateful to have met such nice people and interesting artists at the same time. 

This was the last day the studios were open and filled with our art. At four in the afternoon we needed to clear the place.

We cleaned the house we have been sleeping in and welcomed several visitors, including the parents from Lisbeth who live nearby, and shot the last close-ups in the white Palace. Our fellow artist Iris passed by to say goodbye. And then Pannas and Tulip said goodbye. They will be working tomorrow on their own. And after making a straight plan Lisbeth left while saying goodbye. We will see her tomorrow. So Mirjam and I were free to go funshopping in the Netto spending our cash Kronen. I bought some ecological cleaning products and muesli and dried mango stripes. Mirjam bought a lot more. She had more cash. 

(day 17)

We stacked a lot of bags with used materials in our cars to bring to the ‘Genbrug Plads’. It was crowded overthere, what are all those people doing with their houses and clothes? Not new anymore, did it ran out of fashion? We used a lot of ‘flamingo’, that means styrofoam. At first I went to the wrong container with it because I thought that flamingo is a bird. Philip propped the rented bike in his car to bring it back to Mommark just in time. The shop was supposed to be closed but I had promised the shopkeeper we would bring it this morning.

Mirjam is filling in a form to apply for an artist in recidency, with ten Poubelle artists in Artoll near Kleve in Germany. Today is closing day.

We had to go home.

We had an emotional moment, not that I showed, after the moment Mirjam turned the key. Through Augustenborg, Sønderborg, after a silent while we turned left in the direction of Flensburg. Great great time.

Parmi la foule. Episode 22.

 I am afraid of everything. When I write about whatever comes to mind I feel better. Less terrified. What to create, what to write, to film, to photograph. Most of the ‘things’ I see I find boring. Including my own creations. At the moment I am painting in the dark. Some colors, and then several layers of white. Maybe it’s me that’s boring, not so interesting, so how can you make something interesting. A.found a pottery wheel machine around the corner, with two loaves of clay. We live in a very expensive neighborhood. This morning my new running shoe tripped over an irregular piece of pavement. Now my knee is totally red and without any skin. Just around the corner. I don’t think anyone saw it happen. I stood up and ran further, not happy with myself and all that blood. I do not want to be obliged to make art. Or things that might be art. Our neighbor lady tells us the story of her father, how a nice person he was in the second world war. He couldn’t shoot people so he asked to work in the kitchen making soup from almost nothing, gathering around Freiburg. He saw and knew horrible things, but … never took them home, being all funny and happy about life. That’s nice when you are seven. You do not have to be afraid.

Last Saturday I went to my place of birth Vlaardingen to deposit some works for an exhibition, at the former area of Unilever near de Nieuwe Maas. It was situated right next to the Delta hotel where we celebrated a wedding anniversary of my grandparents when I was little, maybe nine or ten years old. A was told to wear a skirt because my father liked it so much. I can’t bring the event back to mind, I felt somehow misplaced probably.

Afterwards I went to my sister’s place. She had just woken up and her boyfriend was enjoying the sun in the garden. I never met him before but he told me straight away that I looked like my nephew. It felt like a compliment, giving me, and my nephew, bigger seats in the family. 

zaterdag 14 september 2024

Parmi la foule. Episode 21.

 I feel sorry for time most of the time. This book of Olivia Laing, ‘Funny Weather, Art in an Emergency’ is a good read, she crawles into the minds of artists who provides material with which to think: new registers, new spaces. At the moment I read her essay on agnes Martin. I took the inside of the hat out, now the hat fits and I made a new work of art: the inside out of the hat.

That is what I thought today, it doesn’t matter where you are, which day it is, who you are, what the weather is like, how quick time goes, how slow you are walking. How much money you have in your bank account, how old you are, how tired or energetic, how famous or completely unknown, or both simultaneously you are with you, not too nasty to others is what I thought today thank you. I really like reading about Agnes Martin, I almost feel comfortable. Beauty is unattached, it’s inspiration. I can’t wait to be old or somewhat older, when I might have found out how to let things go.

What I like best is to gather lots of clothes and fabrics, to wear them, to give them to others. They are like my first housing, to become who I am, constantly and different. On the other hand I do not want too much personal belongings.

When I am home next week I am going to buy all the books on Agnes Martin.

We are sleeping in a room in the French Ardennes, it’s actually a one room very tiny house with a bed, nightstand, buro, a fan, a flatscreen television, a microwave, a cooker, people size mirror, a refrigerator, a toilet, a bathroom with shower and a sink. The towels smell like chicken wings.

And like perfume mixed with cigarette smoke. It was a great experience. We drove home along the river Maas.

Parmi la foule. Episode 20.

 I took the wrong way this morning. Instead of going left, I thought I needed to take another curve in the road and then go left. But the road to the left never came. I thought the dog was stopping all the time because of the downpour but when I checked the map I found out that dogs know where to go most of the time, home actually.

I have some depressed moments, hours, every day. I wonder why, I have and do everything I want. I got this idea while driving the car today, after we saw a wolf crossing the road right in front of us. I am always fascinated by homeless people who have several layers of clothing on them. I would like that too. I can start with some smaller items and put each time somewhat larger clothes on top of them. I can make a selfie-film of it. I keep thinking about the person who lost her daughter, and the friend of this person, and if I can call these people friends. Not I think, because I sreally should have written an email to ask about their wellbeings. I want to do this the coming week. When I bought a checkered shirt on a secondhand market I got a hat against the rain for free. A beautiful army green hat, but a little bit too small for me. When I looked inside the hat I noticed that a former owner had made it smaller by sewing an extra piece of linen. Tonight I will take it out. I am going to need a lot of nice hats. 

Today we walked some extra three kilometres because a bridge was broken. And all the other bridges were private.

Parmi la foule. Episode 19.

 I actually think it is very nice for me to be an amateur in life, in art, in actually everything. When one is an amateur, one just do the ‘thing’ when one is in for it. Today we went for an hour drive through the mountains for a ‘vide-grenier’ in a very nice village, we found a blender for our daughter, two Levi’s and one vintage corduroy trousers, and a pair of Crocs for one euro. When I was rummaging through some trousers a lady told me they were men’s. I said that for me it didn’t matter because of my gender neutrality. She answered that people here are more nice then not nice. So that’s great. We went for half an hour to another mountain, a one way village, Leotoing, with a beautiful half-ruined castle. The vide-grenier was very small but nice, I even had a small conversation in French about the great atmosphere. They even had a jazz playlist on an amplifier. I bought a vintage shirt and a pair of Crocs, both for two euros. I am not sure if this all that interesting. At last we went for another medieval village of which the abbey had some abstract glass windows. The parking place was loaded, for the first time of all the times we noticed some American tourists in France. In Normandy there will probably be more. I bought a The North Face windstopper for our son from an Australian lady who was astonished by the mental wellness consultancy in the Dutch company of our daughter. I care less and less about the opinion of others. I try to behave as a decent person, be nice to other people. But when someone is miscalculating my opinions, my thoughts ( which is extremely impossible), I get a little tacky. Like our landlord, he thinks we shouldn’t have children, and they should not fly. And every morning around eight we were asleep, he says, but I was running and A. was showering. We should try to get away from the Netherlands, into nature, stay or become vegetarian. We are not trying hard enough to save the planet. I am not coming back here, he thinks he knows best too much.

Parmi la foule. Episode 18.

 I am thinking of writing about my life as an amateur again. There is so much inspiration. I am my greatest artwork. That’s what I have been thinking while hiking in the middle of France with 34 degrees Celcius. Maybe I should write an entire novel around a cassière. A very friendly one. A very precise cassière with a faint smile. And maybe some tattoos, although I thought I was not so fond of tattoos. But since my own daughter has two little one I am somewhat milder. I need to check my mosses tonight. There was a downpour on the way from Clermont Ferrant to. Brioude, Above the road appeared a text: vehicules arretes / code orange. The water was wheel deep, as if we drove through a news item. Our son flew back home in time. We miss him, and the birds too.

This morning I saw a very old man throwing things on a huge piece of land. He was wearing a skyblue pair of trousers and a canaryyellow t-shirt. An hour later I bought a dirty, buttonless, faded, synthetic and minimalistic French schooljacket. I think he came by foot. And than he worked all this land, I imagine. Afterwards he needed to walk back home, or maybe his daughter, who is working as a cassière at one of those giant supermarkets at the edge of the nearby city. Who has been chosing his clothes? I would love to that, probably I would love to wear these items myself.

This morning I managed to sit in the lotus position with a straight back by grabbing my feet. 

Parmi la foule. Episode 17.

 I learned from a documentary on television that cows have great feelings and real sense of community. When one of the group is separated, the rest is wondering where she might be. This morning I ran past a pasture with just one calf. It tried to get away from the fence as fast as it could. One of the front legs was twice as thick and the calf had difficulty to stand on it. I felt sorry for it, and for the group. It looked like a male one.

I am reading Breasts and eggs, written by Meiko Kawakami. It seems to be autobiographical. On page 88 she writes: ‘Writing makes me happy. But it goes beyond that. Writing is my life’s work. I am absolutely positive that this is what I am here to do. Even if it turns out that I don’t have the ability, and no one out there wants to read a single word of it, there’s nothing I can do about this feeling. I can’t make it go away. (…) I know that in reality, it makes no difference whether I write novels, and it makes no difference if anyone cares. With all the countless books already out there, the world won’t notice if I fail to publish even one book with my name on it. That’s no tragedy. I know that. I get that.’

Even copying texts of writers I admire gives me a strong sense of belonging, the kind of sense normal ( I do not mean to be offensive) people experience by just waking up, showering and having breakfast.

This afternoon we went for a hike in the hills. When returned by our car we saw A4 signs on trees and signs towards waterfalls in the Yonne. It happened to be a fabulous garden with philosophical messages, little librairies, seats and smaller ecogardens with mosses. On our way out we met the creator, reading one of the donated books. A life’s work.

Parmi la foule. Episode 16.

 Her brains are in great shape. She is obsessed with water, but she is not allowed to drink that much, peeing on the floor. She is accepting to wear diapers in hope to get to drink some more. Other neighbors think she is in great shape so it is probably fine that we take four weeks off. 

We heard the oriole sing and in a little bit we will drive half an hour to our favorite French thrift shop Emmaus. To give in to my clothing addiction. Balancing on my line of not-travesty, not-too-womanly, not-too-manly. Finding some correct items brings me a temporary amount of self. Which is the heart of every addiction. In the closed department of the elderly home I entered a woman with a t-shirt saying ‘almost weekend’. A black swan flew on eyesight, we nevertheless went the wrong way. We need to walk to see things. We see all the birds of prey while sitting behind the house, but we need to walk in order to see them. 

In the morning I run. Very slow. To set my mind in order. To come to a point I don’t need to write. To write in order to experience some excistence. Last night my son built up a nightbutterfly-set with a white sheet and a very bright lamp. Such beautiful creatures passed by. Where are we here for? What does it all mean? Just be like a nightowl, with functional beauty, fly and do what you need to do. You really need to be one, a whole, for that. While running I got the idea to work on just one drawing for three weeks. It will never happen. I went to a second hand shop and saw an elderly lady reroll entangled wool. A giant cardbox full. She thought I should buy a yellow hat against the sun. I bought a vintage French petrol colored overall.

Parmi la foule. Episode 15.

 I really  like repetition. In the early afternoon I needed to bring the dog to the hairdressers. Just outside I ran into a neighbor I didn’t speak with for a long time. She told me about her sons, both heavily depressed. I told her about the other neighbor, with her  rapid evolving dementia. I told her about myself. I got late for the hairdressers, blamed the traffic. I hope they will cut him nice. Not like a poodle.

After a week of distress accumulating in throwing chairs and water down the stairs to intruders our neighbor voluntarily went with an ambulance to a nursing home. She didn’t wanted to go of course. We were relieved. The next day A and I went to visit her. We needed to walk through a closed department for psychiatric people. Not all of them seemed to be that old. E, our neighbor, told us she didn’t like it there, with these screaming people, dirty old furniture, nurses that didn’t react on her calling them and the worst thing of it all, the diaper.

We will bring her a radio tomorrow evening. And strawberries.

I used to visit a bookstore at least once a week. Now it has been months since. I red an interview with Patti Smith in which she was asked about one of her favorite writers. One of them I didn’t know: César Aria. Aria’s way of working is partly inspired by his opposition to the reasoning that in order to be of good quality, a book should meet specific criteria. According to Aria, the function of art is to create ceaselessly without the artist having to worry about theoretical problems other than those relating to the transubstantiation of the author’s experiences. The movement is important, the creative process, the ‘finished’ book will develop further in the reader. That’s why Aria said never to rewrite a text or book, the good and the bad books are with the author and the reader living beings.

I like that idea. I never read or rewrite anything I have ever written. It’s like using your own and the same bathwater for weeks.

E. is pointing everyone else as supercrazy, actually screaming it out loud, eating one pound of strawberries in half an hour. 


Parmi la foule. Episode 14.

 van verre

see my white summit, ( ik ben de wereld gelijk ) to a white wobbly dance, filled with glances say say say say sag mir sag mir sag mir dieser wörter one by one to a most possible island


van verre mijn heim

mijn heem

to a most possible island geef jij een ik

wo, sag mir

waar kan ik ( een ik ) gaan

en jij ( een jij ) van verre zeg zie,

zeg zie, een danskijk

mijn wankele top, omheinde land

komen ze? Zeg het me ( je )

één voor één

zondag 7 juli 2024

Parmi la foule. Horst.


De bovenwoning telt drie lagen en een klein balkon vanwaar je uitzicht hebt op de buitengaatse catering van de benedenburen. De Norbertuswijk voor twaalf dagen. De eerste bezoeker heb ik op dag 1 al de deur gewezen. Hij vertelde mij zich te vervelen en had gedacht, laat ik eens kijken of er iets te zien valt bij dat open atelier. Ik zei tegen hem, maar je bent te vroeg! Een goed sociaal begin. 

Rond etenstijd kwam ik een mevrouw met een toypoedel tegen. Daar mijn hond ook op een poedel lijkt, had ik een legitieme reden om iets te zeggen. Wat een leuke hond! Karin Spreeuwenberg is van de Norbertuswijk naar voorbij de Kabroekse beek verhuisd, waar het véél groener is. Het spijt haar, maar oude of versleten kleding heeft zij niet. Dat wordt direct naar de kringloopwinkel gebracht. Zij wilde wel graag op de foto, zonder koptelefoon. Met de Kabroekse beek op de achtergrond. Als je op het bruggetje over de Kabroekse beek gaat staan dan zie het mooiste stukje Horst, zo verzekerde zij mij. Ik heb Karin Spreeuwenberg in de kaartencarrousel opgenomen.


Iedere ochtend loop ik hard met de hond. Achter de Spring- en Africhtingsstal kreeg ik het idee van de ‘vuile was’ buiten hangen. Tijdens het koffie-uurtje in Het huis van de wijk aan de Gebr. van Doornelaan ga ik Ankie vragen. Die heeft nog wat liggen.

De slaapkamerverdieping heeft een luik met een touwtje. Als je aan het touwtje trekt, komt er een schuifladder tevoorschijn. De ladder piept fijn als ik hem naar beneden 

laat glijden. Op de zolder wacht een pop met een porseleinen hoofd en een donkerblauw fluwelen jurk bovenop een berg verfblikken. Die verf kan ik goed gebruiken om mijn textiel te witten. Ik ben bang voor poppen met porseleinen hoofden. Als zodanig neergezet.

Tijdens het koffieuurtje van 10.00 tot 12.00 heb ik vele buurtbewoners ontmoet. Het blijkt een druk bezochte aangelegenheid met een komen en gaan van bezoekers en iedereen krijgt hoogstpersoonlijk koffie en thee met een ministroopwafel erbij van gastheer Jordy. Zijn vader schuift even later ook aan - en wel naast mij - en hij draagt zijn gedicht dat hij onder het matras heeft gevonden aan mij voor. Over de liefde. Na zijn vraag wat ik zoal van plan ben te maken tijdens mijn verblijf in Horst, vertel ik dat ik de vuile was buiten wil hangen. Niet overal ter wereld is dit toegestaan, onderbroeken en beha’s komen niet aan de lijn op het balkon in Egypte. Aldus Theo. En nog veel meer kwam ik te weten. Kleding is als een tweede huid. Na mijn vraag om afgedankte kleding en textiel mocht ik om klokslag twaalf uur bij Joke langskomen, in de Prins Bernhardstraat. Ik kreeg een vuilniszak vol, allerhande ondergoed incluis. Tenslotte is dit Horst aan de Maas en niet aan de Nijl. Roelanda gaat wat sjaaltjes afgeven op vrijdagochtend bij de Jeu de Boules. Iedereen schijnt te komen. Laura belooft tussendoor een tas vol kinderkleding af te geven. Truus neemt haar afdankers maandag mee naar de handwerkclub en Paul gaat het even met zijn vrouw overleggen.

Ik heb de hal, het trappengat en de woonkamer voorzien van waslijnen. Het eerste samenvoegsel van twee kledingstukken hangt al achter de voordeur.


Ine heeft een wit houten krukje voor mij, om een derde stapeling werkkleding op te maken. En ik moet Ankie niet vergeten. Bij het stekjesbedrijf aan de Molengatweg stond een grote groep huurfietsen naast een mobiel afhaaltoilet. Ver in het veld gaf een opperhoofd instructies aan mannen in regenpakken. Te gast denk ik, van Roemenië vandaan. Ik heb het vermoeden dat ik niet zo sociaal ben, althans, niet in de georganiseerde omgang. Op een afstand voelt beter, zonder obligaties. Ik denk dat ik mijn toevlucht heb gezocht en gevonden in de kledingstukken, niet in de eerste huid. Door ze samen te voegen maak ik contact met de buurtbewoners en val ik haast samen met mijn werk. De werktitel voor ieder exemplaar is ‘bakerstuk’.

De buurtfotograaf is ook nog langs geweest. Jan, aardig en met een mooie bril op. Ik wil nog vragen waar hij die vandaan heeft. Hij komt nog terug,  want nu viel er weinig te fotograferen. Volgens Jan.

Zojuist heb ik bij Ankie aangebeld. Na enige tijd deed zij open, het bleek sinds lang een vrije dag voor haar. Het huis/atelier/werkplaats hangt vol met abstracte textiele kunstwerken van haar hand. In de tuin werd er aan het hek gerommeld, het is haar man die ‘thuis’ wil komen maar moet leren dat het verzorgingstehuis zijn thuis is. Ankie vindt het moeilijk op z’n zachtst gezegd om niet open te doen. Ik ben zeer ontroerd. Ik krijg de oude werkjas van haar man Henk, en vele lappen uit haar voorraadkast. Volgende week maandag zie ik haar weer, bij de handwerkclub.

De vrouw van ‘t Winkeltje’ in het centrum van Horst wilde het voetbal voor mij uit zetten. Als je er last van hebt, voegde zij eraan toe. We waren allebei voor Albanië. De tegenstander kan ik me niet meer herinneren. Ik vertrouwde haar toe dat ik werkelijk niet naar het Nederlands elftal kan kijken, vanwege de hoogspanning. Haar advies was om naar de radio te luisteren, dat scheelde weer een zintuig.


Ik kom tijd te kort. Helmie, die samen met Ine van het voornoemde krukje, deze artist-in-residence heeft opgestart, heeft veel minder tijd en nog noemt zij zich niet druk. De jongeren bij haar op de kunstcursus doen het goed onder haar bezielde begeleiding. Ik liep vanmorgen over een zandpad met door keien en bakstenen opgevulde keien. De bakstenen die verderop in de container liggen, hoop ik de komende dagen naar de zolder te verplaatsen. Het plan is een bezinningsplek aldaar te maken, een buurtrustplek voor de geest. Truus was net aan de deur. Ze had een vuilniszak met kleding en touwen achterop haar driewieler gespannen. Ze verklapte me al dat er ook steunkousen en een beha in zitten. Ze kwam niet binnen, want ze ging koffie drinken bij het Koffie Uurtje.

Nadat ik de hele bovenkamer van waslijnen had voorzien werd er aangebeld, een heel mager belletje. Helmie, Ine en een mevrouw van ‘Wonen Limburg’ - de woningbouwvereniging van heel Limburg, en dus ook van dit complex - stonden voor de deur. De kunsten, de verbinding, het zich thuis voelen, de Oost-Europese arbeiders op hun knieën in het stekjesveld, de opzichter die fijn in de auto een pretsigaretje zit te rollen…om acht uur ‘s morgens. En dat mij,  hier in de Norbertuswijk verbonden, iets bijgebracht kan worden. De buurtbewoners hebben de cohesie goed voor elkaar.

Vervolgens kwam Mart binnen, met een legeronderbroek, een verroest stukje ijzerdraad en een eigen werk op ansichtformaat. Hij kwam mij interviewen, met bijzondere vragen. Hij vroeg wie ik ben en of ik kon kiezen tussen links en rechts, man of vrouw. Het antwoord was twee keer nee.

De bakstenen ben ik samen met de hond uit de container gaan halen. Het regende hard en de stenen waren zwaar, ik heb er nu maar vier en een half, en wat kleine ronde met een gaatje in het midden. Die zijn leuk. De overbuurvrouw kwam mij de hand schudden, Anja van Voormekaar, en of mijn deur openstond en of zij even na vieren even langs kon komen. Natuurlijk.

Ik heb in drie kwartier in drie winkels mijn boodschappen bij elkaar gegraaid ( een desembrood bij de natuurwinkel!), zo ga ik dat voortaan altijd doen, en ik was een minuut voor vieren weer terug. Anja was gelukkig laat, dus kon ik nog net twee simpele filmpjes monteren.

Om zeven uur werd er aangebeld. Ik was wat onorthodox laat met de avondmaaltijd die ik nog niet genuttigd had. Het was Jan de fotograaf. Ik deed een beetje mopperig, maar wist me redelijk snel te gedragen. Hij maakte een foto terwijl ik aan het werk was aan een Bakerstuk, en van de onderbroek van Mart, die inmiddels voor een groot gedeelte aan de beha van Truus was getaped. Beetje vals spel in zekere zin.


Het afplaktape van de Bakerstukken laat los. Iedere ochtend loop ik de stukken na en druk plakbanden aan. Een behoorlijk sociaal en verzorgend ritueel. Ik ga de steunkousen weghalen. Ze storen eerder dan dat ze steunen. Ik heb leren Jeu de boulen en ben meteen als natuurtalent bestempeld. Het werd gelijkspel. Van Roelanda een tas met sjaals gekregen. Bij de thee na het opruimen zei Berdie mij dat zij nieuwe inzichten in het leven en het buurtleven heeft gekregen door mijn Bakerstukken. Ik had haar foto’s laten zien. Misschien komt ze langs, en Jordy ook. Hij vindt dat er een Avant-Garde kunstwind waait door de wijk. Joke kan helaas geen trappen lopen.

Ik zal ieder stukje afplakband een extra lijmlaag geven zodat de Bakerstukken veilig blijven hangen. 


Gisterenavond was er op het terrein van Scouting Venray een presentatie georganiseerd door de kunstenaarsvereniging ZEEN. Ine en Helmie namen mij mee en we hoorden op onze klapstoeltjes hoe je dierlijke afvalmaterialen kunt gebruiken om natuurmode te maken. Ondanks het begeesterd verhaal van Agnes van Dijk had ik een onbehaaglijk gevoel bij het idee en de aanblik van de creaties. Misschien doordat ik moeite heb met het zich boven het dier stellen van de mens. Ik denk dat Agnes geen afgedankte oren van haar overleden buurman zal gebruiken.

Het is zaterdag en het is stil in de Norbertuswijk. Een zak met onbruikbare kleding , voor de Bakerstukken en de Lievezoldergroep (werktitel) heb ik zonder gezien te willen worden in de kledingcontainer gedeponeerd. C. wilde graag langs alle interessante geuren, we kennen de buurt ieder op onze eigen manier. Zeer veel buurtbewoners zijn aan het werk in hun voortuin. Een jonge buurman spurt weg in zijn ronkende bolide. Ik heb zin om te jeu de boulen, maar het is zaterdag en de barbecue is twee uur geleden al opgestookt met behulp van brandspiritus en aan de overkant van het plantsoen wordt een verjaardag gevierd met O Johnny en andere smartlappen. Ik denk dat ik daar vanavond eens langs ga lopen. Niet aanbellen natuurlijk, ik ben een party pooper, bye bye.

Ik ben vanmiddag op de zolder begonnen, op een aantal kledingstukken ligt nu een steen of een verlaten tegel. Na iedere toevoeging neem ik een foto.


In de woning onder mij zitten Helmie en Ine met journalisten van De Limburger te praten. Ik heb mijn tijdelijk onderkomen hierboven wat opgekuist. Er zitten enige verfspatten op het laminaat die er al zaten, het lijken net stukjes tissue die ik niet heb opgeveegd. Daar gaat het over, hoe verhouden we ons tot elkaar, is schaamte nodig? Angst over de ziende blik van wie er bij je binnen komt. Ik wil voelen dat het me iets minder kan schelen wat de ander vindt. Het bezoek zal zo aanbellen, ik vind het spannend, welk bezoek dan ook. Misschien geeft dat niet. Het geeft niet. Ik hoor dat de stoelen naar achteren geschoven worden.

De journaliste vroeg mij bij binnenkomst wat zij zag. Dat wilde ik nu juist van haar weten, ik weet dat namelijk al. Zij stelde vervolgens erg goede vragen, ik moest soms even nadenken, bijvoorbeeld over wat ik achterlaat bij de bewoners…Nu, in de avond, kan ik wel iets bedenken, dat zij mensen van buiten de wijk iets te bieden hebben, of dat een dorps leven heel vervullend en rijk kan zijn (daar twijfelde ik sowieso niet aan ), en dagvullend met al die activiteiten die er georganiseerd worden. Vereenzaming krijgt hier minder kans dan in de wijk waarin ikzelf woon, Amsterdam Oud-Zuid. Hoewel, mijn partner en ik zorgen ervoor dat onze bovenbuurvrouw, die amper buiten komt, haar boodschappen in huis heeft. Ze eet alleen allinsonbrood met beemster kaas en jam, en kilo’s witte druiven, en drie soorten noten. We maken ook een praatje.

De carbootsale van Horst is gigantisch en internationaal. Ik moest me echt haasten om de hele markt te zien ( ik wil altijd alles gezien hebben). Ik heb drie broeken, een jas en een rugzakje van Fjällräven gekocht, een paar bruine Crocs laarzen, Karhu sneakers en een paar vintage lederen schoenen. In de schoen is een afbeelding van een dame in een  jaren 60 bikini met een  bloemenkrans op haar hoofd en om haar nek.

Ik ga goed nadenken over het geven en achterlaten en meenemen. En dat alles zonder te hoeven betalen.


Het Westenwindkracht 12 project staat in De Limburger. Ik vind het een prettig en informatief artikel. Ik ben blij dat ik open ben geweest over mijn genderidentiteit, voor zover ik het zelf al weet. Ik heb twee lange palen uit de container om de hoek gevist, daar kan ik deze week nog een waslijn in de voortuin mee maken.

Er werd aangebeld. Een nette dame met een spierwitte broek vroeg of hier de kunst was. Ze had De Limburger gelezen na het werken in de tuin en had tegen zichzelf gezegd, nu moet ik daar maar eens gaan kijken. Tenslotte houdt zij erg van textielkunst.

Els is haar naam en ze had wel gedacht dat ik een vrouwelijke partner had. Ze spreekt met haar engelen en heeft expres geen mobiele telefoon, want dat is gevaarlijk. Ze leest veel, vooral sjamanistische poëzie en boeken van en over natuurmensen. Op de rijke boerderij met 25 knechten werd alleen maar hard gewerkt, er was geen aandacht voor onderwijs. Het studeren en zelfontwikkeling is haar daardoor ontzegd. Er klonk veel spijt in haar stem, maar ze verzekerde dat ze tevreden was met haar goede gezondheid. Ik heb vanmiddag bij de dames van de handwerkclub waar ik mijn sokken kwam stoppen met de verkeerde kleur volgens Marleen met de zeikerd van een hond, zo zegt zij zelf, gevraagd of iemand deze mevrouw kende. Geen van allen, terwijl deze club werkelijk niet voor de recherche onderdoet.

Haar bezoek aan mij en mijn kunst sloot zij af met de opmerking dat zij toch iets anders had verwacht, iets meer textiele vakmanschap. Dit van mij noem je meer beeldende kunst, vond zij. Klinkt goed.


Wilma Kamps woont in de Lambertuswijk, niet in de Norbertuswijk. Eigenlijk wordt de wijk de ‘Afhang’ genoemd. Waar die naam vandaan komt weet zij niet. Het heet gewoonweg altijd al zo. Net als de ‘Middelijkweg’, met één l. 

Het briefje met de mededeling dat C en ik er even niet zijn is weg. Ik heb een buitenlijn gemaakt in de voortuin met de gevonden latten. Ik heb alles gefilmd terwijl de onderburen bijna slaande ruzie hadden. Op een gegeven moment kwamen de ouders van een van hen om de boel te sussen. Ik geloof wel dat dat gelukt is. Ik heb drie bakerstukken aan de buitenlijn gehangen. De voorbijgangers die ik voorbij heb zien komen, kijken er met een schuin oog naar.

Behalve Wilma heb ik geen buurtbewoner gesproken. Misschien moet ik maar eens een briefje met WELKOM ophangen, en het weghalen als C en ik uit wandelen zijn. Ine en Helmie kwamen in de avond op bezoek, bij wijze van werkoverleg, om mijn belevingen alhier aan te horen. Ik vergat hen te vertellen dat Els van de engelen heel erg blij is dat Adriaan van Dis het programma Zomergasten gaat presenteren, want hij is eindelijk een bekende Nederlander die op de televisie zegt dat de Bijbel het belangrijkste boek is. Daar staat alles in. 

De installatie op de zolder krijgt de titel Afhang, we weten niet wat het betekent maar het is. Helmie en Ine hebben de vlizotrap getrotseerd. Zij hadden twee Erlebnisvliegen in één klap.


Het voordeel van ruzie is dat je het daarna weer kunt goedmaken, volgens Anja. De coördinator van Voormekaar kwam even langs om te kijken of ik hulp kon gebruiken. Ik ben hier maar twaalf dagen, het voelt tegelijkertijd als een eeuwigheid. Hoe zou het zijn om hier voor altijd te zijn. Met familie en al. De hond en ik hebben een prachtig stuk natuur ontdekt, de Castenrayse Vennen, twee kilometer rennen hier vandaan. We moesten twee keer over stenen de beek zien over te komen. Later kwam een wuivend goudgeel veld langs. Ik moest aan Kiefer denken. De vrouw van eergisteren heb ik nog niet genoemd, zij veegde de straat naar de goot en maakte er een hoopje van. Ik heb er een eenvoudig filmpje van gemaakt. Ik heb zojuist ook de onderbuurvrouw ( die van de ruzie ) gefilmd terwijl zij rokend de roze babykleertjes aan het wasrek omdraait. Opdat het sneller droogt. Het is dertig graden. Ik ben een buurtgluurder. Ik hoop niet dat het heel erg is. Een half uur later rook ik vuur, of moet je dan brand zeggen. Ik hoorde hout knetteren. Een grote tuinkachel werd flink opgestookt met al het afvalhout. De vlammen kwamen tot mijn balkon. Een beetje overdreven. Nu ja, ik heb dat gebeuren ook gefilmd. Ik ga de twee samenvoegen tot BUURVUUR.


De Bakerstukken en Afhang op zölder zijn zo goed als onvoltooid af. Ik zou vanmorgen naar museum Van Bommel Van Dam kunnen gaan zoals Helmie mij gisteren adviseerde. Ik kon niet besluiten, gelukkig kreeg ik onverwacht bezoek van Marij van den Munckhof, met heel veel tassen. Of zij mij mocht portretteren voor haar opleiding, de andere kunstenaar was ook akkoord gegaan. Eenmaal binnen stelde zij zich voor als de zus van Mart die ik vast wel al tegen was gekomen, dat kon niet anders. Zij vertrouwde mij toe stukken minder sociaal te zijn dan haar broer en vrouw, maar die steken haar dan ook wel naar de kroon. Ik vroeg haar of ik even mijn tanden mocht poetsen en een lange broek aantrekken voor het geval van close-up en veraf. Ik weet niet hoe ik moet kijken. Marij woont in de Mussenbuurt in een straat waar niemand wil wonen. Zij wel. Iedereen is er op zichzelf en dat is precies wat zij ook wil. Er wonen Poolse, Syrische, Chinese, Pakistaanse en Limburgse gezinnen. Haar beste vriendin komt uit Iran, zij heeft haar leren kennen bij het vluchtelingenwerk. Het huidige politieke klimaat zint haar niet. Ik vind dat fijn om te horen. Na de fotosessie spring ik op de fiets naar Sevenum. De voorband is erg zacht dus ik doe er twee keer zo lang over. Onderweg zie ik dat mensen hun planten in de tuin beschermen tegen de zon door middel van doeken en parasols. Ik ben nerveus voor de open avond.


Jan van Helmie kwam mij vergezellen, ik hoefde niet in mijn eentje open te zijn. Zij die kwamen waren aardig en complimenteus, zonder dat ik iets hoefde uit te leggen. Ankie bleek in de middag ook al langsgekomen, Ik had braaf een nieuw briefje  ‘Hoye wah’ opgehangen. In de avond herkende zij haar kledingstukken. Wim en Sanne hoorden we van zolder stommelen en Wendy en Mien waren de laatsten. Jordy komt vandaag, na de koffie. Om tien voor negen  schoven Helmie en Ine binnen voor de napraat. Er zou toch niemand meer komen. Zij pasten op het open huis van collega Joep. Zo meteen loop ik met C een laatste Horstrondje, zo kort mogelijk want ik moet om tien uur jeu de boulen en voor die tijd wil ik de benedenburen gemonteerd hebben, een tekening voltooien, een sociale media post maken van de planten onder hun parasolletjes, en zoveel mogelijk spullen in de auto zetten. Het is nu tien voor zeven. Tempo!

Een meneer in een scootmobiel vroeg mij naar mijn naam, toen ik net een goede bal had gegooid. Ik zei H.F., hij vond het overdreven iemand met een afkorting aanspreken. Ik legde hem uit waarom het voor mij misschien wel prettig was, met mijn genderneutraliteit, maar hij moest maar doen wat hij wilde, Ellie mag ook. De meneer leek niet erg gevoelig voor mijn uitleg. Het bleef wel even haken. Ik ging Jan ophalen. Hij was aan de beurt. Jan Nabuurs de fotograaf ( met zijn mooie bril waarvan ik nu het merk weet ), vond de ruimtes boven heel meditatief,  Ineke uit de Gebr van Doornenlaan en buurtwonder Anita wilden ook mijn schilderwerken eens zien. Die bestaan behoorlijk vaak uit twee delen, zo zagen zij al op Instagram, zoals de horizon ons beeld in tweeën splitst. Dat vindt ons brein fijn. Welk een voor de hand liggend maar nooit door mij gedacht idee! Na de zussen van Mart kwam Ankie nog op de valreep haar ongebruikte zelfgesponnen en gebreide sjaals halen. We spraken over kinderen, genen, dementie, euthenasie en over slechts één keer over een ‘ding’ zeiken.  Anders ben je een zeikerd. En dan het afscheid van Ine en Helmie. Een aantal werken blijven ter Horst voor de eindtentoonstelling van alle twaalf kunstenaars eind augustus. De tekeningen doen morgen mee in een pop-up tentoonstelling van Horstfutures. Er stonden ineens twee stippen bij: verkocht! Het blijft een wonderlijk fenomeen dat een mens iets van jouw hand en zaligheid graag voor zichzelf wil hebben. Later dacht ik, ik had een prijs genoemd, ik heb de mond steeds vol van ‘geven’, en dat kunst en geld zo moeilijk samengaan. Ik heb op een briefje geschreven dat Ine en Helmie er beiden één extra uit mogen kiezen, dat levert me een halve karma-punt op en zij zijn het meer dan waard.