zaterdag 14 september 2024

Parmi la foule. Episode 15.

 I really  like repetition. In the early afternoon I needed to bring the dog to the hairdressers. Just outside I ran into a neighbor I didn’t speak with for a long time. She told me about her sons, both heavily depressed. I told her about the other neighbor, with her  rapid evolving dementia. I told her about myself. I got late for the hairdressers, blamed the traffic. I hope they will cut him nice. Not like a poodle.

After a week of distress accumulating in throwing chairs and water down the stairs to intruders our neighbor voluntarily went with an ambulance to a nursing home. She didn’t wanted to go of course. We were relieved. The next day A and I went to visit her. We needed to walk through a closed department for psychiatric people. Not all of them seemed to be that old. E, our neighbor, told us she didn’t like it there, with these screaming people, dirty old furniture, nurses that didn’t react on her calling them and the worst thing of it all, the diaper.

We will bring her a radio tomorrow evening. And strawberries.

I used to visit a bookstore at least once a week. Now it has been months since. I red an interview with Patti Smith in which she was asked about one of her favorite writers. One of them I didn’t know: César Aria. Aria’s way of working is partly inspired by his opposition to the reasoning that in order to be of good quality, a book should meet specific criteria. According to Aria, the function of art is to create ceaselessly without the artist having to worry about theoretical problems other than those relating to the transubstantiation of the author’s experiences. The movement is important, the creative process, the ‘finished’ book will develop further in the reader. That’s why Aria said never to rewrite a text or book, the good and the bad books are with the author and the reader living beings.

I like that idea. I never read or rewrite anything I have ever written. It’s like using your own and the same bathwater for weeks.

E. is pointing everyone else as supercrazy, actually screaming it out loud, eating one pound of strawberries in half an hour. 


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